Problem Gambling in Europe : Challenges, Prevention, and Interventions (2008, Hardcover) by FB2 download book


As a leisure activity, gambling dates back to ancient times. More recently, the surge in avenues for gambling-casinos, sports betting, lotteries, and remote media (e.g., Internet, mobile phone, interactive television) among them-finds growing numbers of people losing control over their gambling behaviour, usually at great personal and financial expense. Problem Gambling in Europe is the first book to offer a robust international knowledge base compiled by an interdisciplinary panel of researchers in gambling behaviour. Reports from 21 countries throughout Western, Eastern, Northern, and Southern Europe reveal wide variations in types of wagering activities, participation by populations, social and criminal consequences related to pathological gambling, the extent to which governments acknowledge the problem, and efforts to control it (often with the involvement of the gaming industries). For each country, noted experts discuss: Current legislation regulating gambling. Forms of gambling and their addictive potential. Participation rates and demographics. Prevalence of pathological gambling. National policies to address problem gambling. Prevention strategies and treatment methods. Problem Gambling in Europe brings insight and clarity to a widespread and complex phenomenon, and will be of considerable interest to all parties working to reduce their negative effects: social science researchers in addictions, gambling behaviour, and public health; clinical, social, and health psychologists and psychiatrists; treatment practitioners; the gaming industry; regulators; and policy makers., Problem Gambling in Europe Challenges, Prevention, and Interventions Edited by Gerhard Meyer, University of Bremen, Germany Tobias Hayer, University of Bremen, Germany Mark Griffiths, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom As a leisure activity, gambling dates back to ancient times. More recently, the surge in avenues for gambling-casinos, sports betting, lotteries, and remote media (e.g.,Internet, mobile phone, interactive television) among them-finds growing numbers of people losing control over their gambling behaviour, usually at great personal and financial expense. Problem Gambling in Europe is the first book to offer a robust international knowledge base compiled by an interdisciplinary panel of researchers in gambling behaviour. Reports from 21 countries throughout Western, Eastern, Northern, and Southern Europe reveal wide variations in types of wagering activities, participation by populations, social and criminal consequences related to pathological gambling, the extent to which governments acknowledge the problem, and efforts to control it (often with the involvement of the gaming industries). For each country, noted experts discuss: Current legislation regulating gambling. Forms of gambling and their addictive potential. Participation rates and demographics. Prevalence of pathological gambling. National policies to address problem gambling. Prevention strategies and treatment methods. Problem Gambling in Europe brings insight and clarity to a widespread and complex phenomenon, and will be of considerable interest to all parties working to reduce their negative effects: social science researchers in addictions, gambling behaviour, and public health; clinical, social, and health psychologists and psychiatrists; treatment practitioners; the gaming industry; regulators; and policy makers., The proposed book will provide a comprehensive country-by-country survey of problem gambling in Europe. It is intended to summarize all the existing scientific knowledge about the extent of problem gambling and the effectiveness of legislative measures.Current market developments, such as the ongoing proliferation of gambling in most of the European countries and the introduction of new attractive gambling products as well as distribution channels (e.g., internet gambling or betting via mobile phones), suggest an increase in individuals who will engage in commercial gambling activities in the near future. These trends highlight the growing need to develop, implement and evaluate prevention programs to diminish the incidence of gambling-related problems. However, research activities and efforts to introduce evidence-based measures in order to prevent problem/pathological gambling vary considerably around the European countries. For example, in Germany no epidemiological study has been conducted yet to determine the prevalence rate of problem/pathological gambling in the adult population. In contrast, according to a new and unique legislation in Switzerland, the awarding of a concession to operate a casino requires a fully developed set of responsible gambling strategies that meet certain standards such as measures for the prevention and harm reduction of problem gambling, adequate staff training and the provision of data for research activities.Each chapter will be a country report on the psychological aspects of problem/pathological gambling and its prevention, including a scientifically-based analysis of current national policy.

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