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Experiencing Jazz read online ebook DOC, TXT, MOBI


Experiencing Jazz is an integrated textbook, website, and audio anthology for jazz appreciation and history courses. Geared toward the non-music major, this textbook introduces the elements of music, the roles and characters of different instruments, and then covers prominent artists and styles. It places important musical trends in a larger cultural and historical context, helping the reader relate jazz history to other familiar events. Readings, study questions, listening guides, graphic examples, stylistic comparisons, artist profiles and audio interviews, instructional videos, and other materials are all designed to introduce the novice to jazz. The anthology of music includes key jazz recordings made by leading artists. Listening Guides in the textbook help students hear the key features of these works. The companion website is a rich resource, and hosts many of the listening guides in an interactive format. The second edition has been thoroughly updated and includes new essays introducing each chapter, more discussion on prominent women in jazz and coverage of jazz in Europe. With a much-revised audio collection the author has worked to present a comprehensive overview of the music and to continue his goal of presenting jazz within a cultural perspective along a timeline of historical events., Experiencing Jazz, Second Edition, is an integrated textbook with online resources for jazz appreciation and history courses. Through readings, illustrations, timelines, listening guides, and a streaming audio library, it immerses the reader in a journey through the history of jazz, while placing the music within a larger cultural and historical context. Designed to introduce the novice to jazz, Experiencing Jazz describes the elements of music, and the characteristics and roles of different instruments. Prominent artists and styles from the roots of jazz to present day are relayed in a story-telling prose. This new edition features expanded coverage of women in jazz, the rise of jazz as a world music, the influence of Afro-Cuban and Latin jazz, and streaming audio. Features: Important musical trends are placed within a broad cultural, social, political, and economic context Music fundamentals are treated as integral to the understanding of jazz, and concepts are explained easily with graphic representations and audio examples Comprehensive treatment chronicles the roots of jazz in African music to present day Commonly overlooked styles, such as orchestral jazz, Cubop, and third-stream jazz are included Expanded and up-to-date coverage of women in jazz The media-rich companion website presents a comprehensive streaming audio library of key jazz recordings by leading artists integrated with interactive listening guides. Illustrated musical concepts with web-based tutorials and audio interviews of prominent musicians acquaint new listeners to the sounds, styles, and figures of jazz. Course components The complete course comprises the textbook and Online Access to Music token, which are available to purchase separately. The textbook and Online Access to Music Token can also be purchased together in the "Experiencing Jazz" Book and Online Access to Music Pack. Book and Online Access to Music Pack: 978-0-415-65935-2 (Paperback and Online Access to Music) Book Only: 978-0-415-69960-0 (please note this does not include the Online Access to Music) Online Access to Music Token: 978-0-415-83735-4 (please note this does not include the textbook) eBook and Online Access to Music Pack: 978-0-203-37981-3 (available from the Taylor & Francis eBookstore) ebook: 978-0-203-37985-1 (please note this does not include the audio and is available from the Taylor & Francis eBookstore), First published 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies--ECIP title page verso.

Book Experiencing Jazz by Richard J. Lawn in MOBI, DJV, FB2

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