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A detailed analysis of the origins, history, theoretical explanations and structure of organized crime, including drug trafficking, gambling and loan sharking., Section I: INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZED CRIME. 1. Organized Crime: Attributes and Structure. 2. Explaining Organized Crime. 3. History of Organized Crime. Section II: ORGANIZED CRIME IN THE UNITED STATES. 4. Organized Crime in New York. 5. Organized Crime in Chicago. 6. African-American and Black Organized Crime. Section III: INTERNATIONAL AND TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME. 7. Italian Organized Crime. 8. Latino Organized Crime. 9. Russian Organized Crime. 10. Asian Organized Crime. Section IV: THE BUSINESS OF ORGANIZED CRIME. 11. Gambling, Loansharking, Theft, Fencing, and Sex. 12. Organized Crime in Labor and Business. 13. Drugs. Section V: FIGHTING ORGANIZED CRIME. 14. Organized Crime Statutes. 15. Organized Crime Law Enforcement. In Conclusion. References. Author Index. Subject Index.

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Murray's letter was prompted by a speech the president had given at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, praising the school for its commitment to social progress.With four parts, Evidence; Property Offences; Assaults, Drugs, Firearms & Gun Crime; and Sexual Offences, reflecting the Manual, Blackstone's Police Investigators' Q&A presents you with the only format of questions you will see in an NIE examination: Type A.This was a 'golden age of writing about crime', when the older genres of criminal biographies, social policy pamphlets and 'last-dying speeches' were joined by a raft of new publications, including newspapers, periodicals, graphic prints, the Old Bailey Proceedings and the Ordinary's Account of malefactors executed at Tyburn.Hope is the active conviction that despair will never have the last word, Booker writes in this galvanizing book.In a world where we too easily lose touch with our neighbors, he argues, we must remember that we all rise or fall together--and that we must move beyond mere tolerance for one another toward a deeper connection: love.