Eat Well and Get Lots of Rest : Wolfie's Guide to the Good Life by Wolfie Coon download ebook FB2, EPUB, DOC


Why waste 5 or 6 of your precious 9 lives learning the CAT SUCCESS SECRETS you will pick up from this 1 book?!? CAUTION! This book was written by a cat, exclusively for the education, benefit, and welfare of cats. So, if you are NOT a cat, then SCAT! Okay, fellow felines, down to business. Who's Wolfie Maine Coon? Well, he's one of the BIG GUYS in our species, that's who! You've read about Wolfie in "The Cat Who Brought us a Bottle of Wine From the Popes' Private Reserve" in the book CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE CAT LOVER'S SOUL. Now Wolfie has written his own self-help book for cats, EAT WELL & GET LOTS OF REST! Wolfie's Guide to the Good Life. Here's what others have said about his fantastic new book: "I only wish I'd come upon Wolfie's book a lot earlier in this lifetime. You can be sure I'll remember all those great ideas in my lifetimes to come." - Sweet Pea. Maryland "Though the book is marred by the chest-pounding, me-first egotism so typical of tomcat-chauvinistic Maine Coons, EAT WELL displays astonishing insight into the psychology of our providers. That said, I must give Wolfie credit for introducing me (and my food-server) to the recipe for tuna soup--a delicacy we had both been unaware of." - Gabrielle Abyssinian-Burmese. Reston, Virginia "I grew up in a single-parent home, then an orphanage, and never had a strong father-figure as a role model. Wolfie's wisdom has made all the difference in my life, showing me how to gain control in my wonderful new home so everything revolves around me." - Shadow von Shelter. Maryland "Better than catnip! Grab it fast!" - Al E. Katz. Brooklyn, NY Wouldn't you agree that . . . * A cat who grows himself to 27 pounds obviously knows how to eat and live right? * A cat who earns the title "The King of the Neighborhood" in the competitive suburbs of Northern Virginia shows world-class leadership skills? * A cat from whom dogs keep a respectful distance, and who has 2-leggeds competing for his favor clearly has the world by its tail! That's why Wolfie's friends of the feline persuasion pressed him, saying he owed it to his fellow cats to share his success secrets. So he did, sneaking up to use his 2-leggeds' computer late nights while they were asleep. At last, this is it, the first self-help book FOR cats, written BY a cat - Wolfie! Wolfie wrote this book for one reason: to help other cats learn how to create better lives for themselves . . . both this time around, and in all their remaining lives to come. Here are some of the valuable success secrets he shares in this book: * How to show the love your servers crave, while doing yourself and your tummy a big favor; * Valuable techniques for manipulating 2-leggeds into doing what you want, when you want it; * The "warning words" to beware of - those tricky code words 2-leggeds use to deceive us; * Ways of gaining and keeping the upper paw in your household, regardless of whether the other residents are 2-leggeds, dogs, or your fellow felines; * What you need to learn about time and fractions - key skills in knowing WHEN your meals should be served, and HOW MUCH you should be getting; * How to upgrade from ordinary cat food (ugh!) to the delicacies your servers try to keep for themselves; * And much, much more! Order extra copies for all your friends! After all, as Wolfie put it, "Knowledge is power, and the more felines who know my secrets of living the good, comfortable life, the better for all of us."

Ebook Eat Well and Get Lots of Rest : Wolfie's Guide to the Good Life by Wolfie Coon MOBI, EPUB, TXT